[CentOS] What are the differences between systemd and non-systemd Linux distros?

Tue Oct 16 10:14:13 UTC 2018
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

On 10/16/18 1:54 AM, Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming wrote:
> Good afternoon from Singapore,
> What are the differences between systemd and non-systemd Linux distros?
> Is systemd implemented in all the latest Linux distros?
> Please advise. Thank you.

My advice is to go and read up on the original design goals of systemd.  
The information is out there.  We had this discussion here years ago 
when we were staring and the impending transition.

Read the archives on the angst the change engendered and the adjustment 
to the new methodology.

They say that the Internet never forgets, so you should be able to find 
the original discussions and make your own judgment call.