[CentOS] [Marketing Mail] Re: Cups freeze when remote server is unavailable

Mon Oct 29 18:58:47 UTC 2018
Patrick Bégou <Patrick.Begou at legi.grenoble-inp.fr>

Hi Lange,

thanks for these links. Following John reply I goes back and deeper in
looking for documentation. Using the web interface is not an option as I
have many laptops to set up and they are all automatically
(re)installable from a PXE boot + kickstart in case of trouble. So all
must be setup automatically (using command lines in the kickstart file)
and user must be allowed to add their own home printer.

I understand some things this afternoon, discover cups-browsed that was
not available in 1.4 version (CentOS6), understand why it was not
working (the laboratory cups version was 1.4 on a debian server and
CentOS7 has 1.6.x now) discover also that ppd files are deprecated in
newer cups version (> 2.x ?)....

Time is to go deeper in all these documentations and build a scenario to
set up cups in these automatic installations process. I agree, it was
not a bug, just misunderstanding new cups software behaviour.


Le 29/10/2018 à 17:15, Lange, Markus a écrit :
> Hi,
> John tries to tell you:
> Revert your configuration changes to the config file and use the local
> web interface / lp* / GUI Print Server Configuration tool to setup all
> printers at work and / or at home using these tools.
> This method needs a local cups instance that works if your OS is
> running (if a printer is not reachable for printing cups can still keep
> the job in it's queue until the printer is reachable).
> You can find an linux.com article on Printer Setups in [1] (mainly
> selected for its screenshots of cups web interface and not for its
> actuality) which should give you all information's to get it work.
> At least for desktop setups cups should be running by default, see
> "systemctl status cups" to check if it's running.
> For a more in-depth view on cups I can recommend reading the archwiki
> [2].
> best regards
> Markus
> [1] https://www.linux.com/learn/linux-101-printing
> [2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CUPS
> On Mon, 2018-10-29 at 15:35 +0100, Patrick Bégou wrote:
>> Hi John
>> thanks for your quick reply. If it is not a bug, as I was reading on
>> the
>> web, it is some misunderstanding from me.
>> Running cups 1.4.2 (CentOS6) I was using the "BrowsePoll" directive
>> in
>> cupsd.conf. So the printers were automatically known from the central
>> server of the lab. And home printers were working fine with this
>> setup too.
>> In CentOS7, with cups 1.6.3, this directive does not exist any more
>> and
>> reading the doc I had understood that it was replaced by the
>> client.conf
>> file. Reading your answer suggest it is not true.
>> So could you tell me or suggest reading on the right manner to
>> reproduce
>> my previous centos6 setup ?
>> Sorry for this newbie question, I'm not very familiar with cups
>> setup.
>> Patrick
>> Le 29/10/2018 à 14:45, John Hodrien a écrit :
>>> On Mon, 29 Oct 2018, Patrick Bégou wrote:
>>>> Any idea ?
>>> I don't see that this is a bug.
>>> In client.conf you're telling it which server to use, exclusively. 
>>> You're not
>>> adding remote printers, you're telling it which CUPS server to talk
>>> to
>>> everytime you use CUPS clients commands.  You don't even need to
>>> run a
>>> local
>>> CUPS server if you configure it like this.
>>> If you want a machine to work at both ends, I'd suggest you don't
>>> do
>>> this, and
>>> instead run a local CUPS server, and add remote printers to that
>>> local
>>> server.
>>> jh
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