[CentOS] Centos7/Kde4 freeze

Tue Sep 18 08:04:50 UTC 2018
Patrick Begou <Patrick.Begou at legi.grenoble-inp.fr>


I have a fresh install of centos 7.4 with KDE on a laptop (latitude 5590) 
connected to a DELL WD15 dockstation with an additionnal screen.
It works quite well, I have 2 screens side by side (default config), but....
If I add a second menu bar for the screen connected to the dockstation (KDE 
allow for this) it is not possible anymore to start a kde session if the laptop 
is not connected to the dock station (eg: at home), kde freeze and never show 
any menubar. I have to use gnome to login and remove the .kde directory.

Is there a way to avoid this ?



|  Equipe M.O.S.T.         |                                      |
|  Patrick BEGOU           | mailto:Patrick.Begou at grenoble-inp.fr |
|  LEGI                    |                                      |
|  BP 53 X                 | Tel 04 76 82 51 35                   |
|  38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX    | Fax 04 76 82 52 71                   |