[CentOS] Accessing Android phones on CentOS 7

Fri Apr 26 16:41:54 UTC 2019
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 26/04/2019 17:48, Nicolas Kovacs wrote:
> Hi,
> My standard Linux desktop is based on a personal blend of CentOS 7 with
> KDE 4.14 and various add-ons from third-party repositories like EPEL and
> Nux-Dextop. After a brief stint on OpenSUSE Leap 15.0, this is what I
> use on my workstation and on my laptop. And this is also what I install
> on my client's machines, just like I did in our local school's computer
> room.
> I'm currently busy sanding down a few remaining edges, and one thing
> that's left is accessing Android phones. On less conservative distros
> based on KDE Plasma 5, this is a no-brainer, since all you have to do is
> plug in the phone and then browse its content using Dolphin or some
> other file manager. Unfortunately this is not possible with the version
> of KDE shipping with CentOS 7.
> Any ideas for that?
> Cheers from the rainy South of France,
> Niki

Can't say for KDE, but on Gnome (and also because kernel auto-detects it
as mtp device) it's mounted and show both internal phone memory and SD
card content

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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