[CentOS] Disabling TLS 1.1 in Centos 7 cockpit

Fri Dec 27 15:04:22 UTC 2019
Randal, Phil <phil.randal at hoopleltd.co.uk>

Try creating /etc/system/system/cockpit.service.d/ssl.conf and putting this in it:



systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart cockpit



-----Original Message-----
From: CentOS <centos-bounces at centos.org> On Behalf Of Erick Perez - Quadrian Enterprises
Sent: 27 December 2019 03:26
To: centos at centos.org
Subject: [CentOS] Disabling TLS 1.1 in Centos 7 cockpit

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Hi, I'm using cockpit in standard port 9090 in a Centos 7 system.
Due to a suggestion from management, they want TLS 1.1 disabled system-wide in all Linux boxes and TLS 1.2 enabled.

I have not found proper documentation on how to disable it for cockpit (version 195.1 ships with Centos 7)

So far I have tried (https://cockpit-project.org/guide/149/https.html):


And I also created the file /etc/systemd/system/cockpit.service.d/ssl.conf
and added:

after that, I systemctl restart cockpit

But if I do
#openssl s_client -connect  localhost:9090 -tls1_1 I get a proper response (a certificate), so TLS 1.1 is being accepted.




Erick Perez
CentOS mailing list
CentOS at centos.org
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