[CentOS] DNSSEC Questions

Wed Feb 13 07:49:48 UTC 2019
Paul R. Ganci <ganci at nurdog.com>

On 2/12/19 10:55 PM, Alice Wonder wrote:
> DNSSEC keys do not expire. Signatures do expire. How long a signature 
> is good for depends upon the software generating the signature, some 
> lets you specify. ldns I believe defaults to 60 days but I am not sure.
> The keys are in DNSSKEY records that are signed by your Key Signing 
> Key and must be resigning before the signature expires or they will no 
> longer validate.
> Likewise, the other records in the zone must be resigned by your Zone 
> Signing Key before their signatures expire.
> <snip>
> It's not the keys that are the issue, but the RRSIG record that 
> contains a start and expiration time for the records.
> If you upload signed zone files to godaddy, make sure to resign once a 
> week or so so that the RRSIG gets updated.
> man ldns-signzone

Okay so I misunderstood the message I was getting when I checked my 
DNSSEC setup via http://dnsviz.net/. What you are telling me is that all 
I had to do was re-sign the zone files but that it was not necessary to 
generate new keys. This point is definitely one that I missed.

I too run my own authoritative nameservers. I was following the Digital 
Ocean procedure to setup DNSSEC:


That site suggested the use of dnssec-signzone after key creation ala a 
command like (the stuff that follows has been sanitized):

 > dnssec-signzone -3 `head -c 1000 /dev/random | sha1sum | cut -b 1-16` 
-N INCREMENT -o domain.tld -t domain.tld.zone

After resigning with that command a file named dsset-domain.tld. is 
created which contains 2 digests.

 > cat dsset-domain.tld.
domain.tld. IN DS 20716 7 1 04E3E6C87CD4190F74DD0371A14AD5CC42B71521
domain.tld. IN DS 20716 7 2 
FA6D0EF0100855E5C85C6CD5A33590681DD9D7D9F6C773785C53E865 E02FF572

It is the keytag (20716) and the digests (hex fields) that are supposed 
to be uploaded to the registrar according to the section entitled 
"Configure DS records with the registrar" in the Digital Ocean reference 
I previously mentioned. In my original message it was the uploading of 
these keytags and digests to Godaddy that I was referring in my point 1 
and which seems to be accomplished only manually via the Godaddy web 

So doesn't ldns-signzone create the same kind of digest that requires it 
be uploaded to the registrar? Isn't that essential information in order 
to tell the .tld that the domain.tld DNSSEC is valid and to maintain the 
DNSSEC authentication chain trust up to the root servers? You can go to 
the http://dnsviz.net/ site and can use nurdog.com as an example of what 
i mean.

If I do not have to generate the keys every time the RRSIGs expire then 
the scripting or re-signing the zones is really trivial as I am in full 
control of my own DNS servers. It is even easier now if I don't have to 
generate new keys although that really isn't a difficult step.

So maybe I asked the wrong question. Is there a way to re-sign the zone 
files without having to recreate the information found in that 
dsset-domain.tld. file and uploading it to the registrar? I suspect 
there is no way around that as I believe it is essential to maintaining 
the chain of trust. But if I can keep everything on my own nameservers 
that would be a big help ... maybe ldns-signzone is the answer?

Paul (ganci at nurdog.com)
Cell: (303)257-5208