On Feb 15, 2019, at 7:56 AM, Yan Li <elliot.li.tech at gmail.com> wrote: > > G Suite Business tier. Buy five users and you get unlimited Google Drive > storage. That's $50/month. So, you’re already 12x higher than his budget, and it’ll be going up 20% in early April. On top of that, there’s certainly a transfer rate limit. I couldn’t find a reliable source saying what that limit is, but I found a related limit for G Suite here: https://support.google.com/a/answer/1071518 If that applies to Google Drive as well, it’ll take about 182 years to send 50 TB. I can say from personal experience that Google is a bit stingy about such things. They give G Suite basic users 30 GB of storage, but if you try to put tens of GB in it, you can only pull that all down a few times a month before that user’s account gets locked. That happened to us with one user that kept blowing up his laptop, requiring a rebuild, and thus a re-download of the entire IMAP archive he insisted on keeping in the cloud. If they’re doing that to us, 3 orders of magnitude down from the OP’s target value, I think he’ll have a bad time trying to put 50 TB into a single Google Drive account.