[CentOS] systemd

Thu Feb 7 22:24:54 UTC 2019
James Pearson <james-p at moving-picture.com>

Jerry Geis wrote:
> Hi All -  I have a systemd service file to start my application.
> Part of my service file is:
> [Service]
> Type=forking
> ExecStart=/path to start
> ExecStop=/path to stop
> RemainAfterExit=yes
> This works fine "normally".
> However - when I do a "yum update; and reboot"  my script detects a kernel
> change and now does a number of "recompiling" steps for drivers and such
> before starting my application. Somewhere along the way that just stops.
> I'm half way into recompiling those drivers and it just stops.

Could it be you are hitting some default timeout ?

Maybe adding 'TimeoutSec=infinity' could help ?

Or, maybe moving your 'recompiling' stage to an ExecStartPre script ?

(no idea if either of the above will help)

James Pearson