[CentOS] HPlip Mark Roth/Jon LaBadie .

Wed Feb 27 19:04:21 UTC 2019
mark <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Valeri Galtsev wrote:
> On 2/27/19 9:16 AM, mark wrote:
>> Ger van Dijck wrote:
>>> The problems with HPlip goes on and on : I can not manage to
>>> establish a connection on WiFi with the HP4620 : I can print to the
>>> printer but not scan . Running hp-check results in cups is not
>>> running, hplip is not properly (HP) installed , xsane is not installed
>>> etc.. But I can assure you all this software is properly installed :
>>> Hp-check cannot detect the
>>> scanfunction on the HP4620. When running on USB cable all runs fine !
>>> Maybe Bug 1683312 from Zdenek Dohnal (Red Hat) could be helpfull : I
>>> reported this bug .
>>> Hp does not support Unix/Linux applications ! Are they really so
>>> stupid to think that the world excist by MS and all other users do not
>>> need support:
>>> Arrogance or stupidity ?
>> The inheritance of Carly. I was on the phone yesterday to HP - we just
>> bought this $$$$ printer, and it's under warranty. The engineer I spoke
>> with told me he'd been there since '99, and he could tell me how to
>> dissassemble and rebuild this brand new poster printer in his sleep. He
>>  does not, however, know software.... When I mentioned that HP has
>> support in '12 for Macs - I was hoping to get the .ppd from the Mac
>> package, as we had for the z3200ps in '12 - he told me they'd gotten rid
>> of the Mac support team.
>> Yes: no software support.
> <rant>
> I figure, I will add some rant about HP printer department.
> But first of all, I have to tell how great HP printer department was in
> the past. The past in my book is some 5 years ago and before that. About
> decade ago Xerox went really bad. They started making small changes to
> models, so tones were not compatible between them, thus they got rid of
> 3rd party vendors selling "compatible" toners for their printers (who
> will start production for something that covers only small number of
> potential customers). I didn't see an indication of really bad thing then,
> but some 5 years down the road they stopped making supplies for their
> printers, and no "compatibles" were being produced by anybody. So, all
> Xerox printers 5 years young (I hate to use word "old" here) were
> just junk. That day I said: I will never buy any Xerox anything, period.
> Yes I still agree with their old motto saying that they taught the world
> how to copy.
> By that time we also had a bunch of HP printers, and we happily kept
> getting newer models of HP printers. As a great example I would mention:
> about a year ago I almost retired HP LaserJet 4050 (b/w printer), that was
> heavily used in the Department for about 15 years, still working, still
> making prints of great quality, supplies for which still were produced by
> HP. So, HP was my life saver as far as printers go.
> Now finally to the rant: I recently started having issues, or rather
> single issue (jam of duplex jobs) with two of HP Color LaserJet CP4525
> printers. Two, not just one. And now that I'm trying to find RELIABLE
> enterprise level printer for the department, I can not. It sounds like
> models HP manufacture now are not reliable. A few reliable ones were just
> discontinued recently. So, I'm dead in the water: what next printer to get
> for the department where it is used heavily? (yes, I included in
> consideration other manufacturers except Xerox).
> </rant>
Several things: first, I've mentioned here before that I have five (count
them) vendors that I *care* to deal with, because they actually know what
they're doing, and have a decent price. For toner, AND COMPATABLES, I go
to tonerprice.com. At home, I have a cute little HP LaserJet 1018
(obsolete) that I got in '08, I think. The OEM is like $80 for toner; the
tonerprice compatibles, which work just fine, thank you, have gone down
from $32 (including shipping) to $23, I think it was.

Now, we have some HP ColorLaserJet 3525s, which we *really* liked, and
they're dying - something to do with the transfer belt. Between the HP rep
that we have, and a reseller we like, I was told, is an M553, similar

Now, if they'd only made clear that the one we orderered was single sided,
not duplex, we'd get more use out of it....
