[CentOS] How do I remove a kernel

Pete Biggs

pete at biggs.org.uk
Tue Jan 8 23:31:18 UTC 2019

On Tue, 2019-01-08 at 17:22 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> I have 4 kernels in /boot, leaving on 20MB which is not enough for the 
> next one.
> I had installonly_limit= set at 5, as there were some kernel problems.  
> After I got the error that there was not enough room for another kernel, 
> I set installonly_limit= to 3 and did the update with --exclude=kernel*
> That worked to update everything else, but not remove the oldest kernel.
> How can I remove the oldest kernel to make room for the new one?

yum install yum-utils
package-cleanup --oldkernels --count=3

replace the count with however many you want to leave on the system.


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