[CentOS] C7, pulseaudio, multi-user setup

Thu Jan 24 11:11:37 UTC 2019
wwp <subscript at free.fr>

Hello there,

I'm on a CentOS7 laptop, in a Mate session w/ my default user, and in
that desktop, I run apps from other users using sudo, su. It appears
that apps started using sudo or in terminals+su, can't play sound:

 [pulseaudio] main.c: User-configured server at {f7ac68929370425d82f882c116a21597}unix:/run/user/1000/pulse/native, refusing to start/autospawn.

User 1000 is my default user. I've searched and read a lot about this
topic, and found many suggestions but none works so far.

What's the correct way to allow all users to play sound in my default
user's desktop session? Adding them all to the audio group doesn't seem
to be enough (at least).


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