On Tue, Jul 2, 2019 at 8:28 AM Jason Pyeron <jpyeron at pdinc.us> wrote: > This is kinda of why it makes sense to purchase at least one license. > Red Hat does now offer free developer subscriptions which includes access to the Red hat Customer Portal. You officially need a business or enterprise email address, which I verified when they rejected my personal gmail address the first time. It recommended that I change it to a business or enterprise one, but instead I just used a gmail supported + alias ( me+redhat at gmail.com ), which Red hat accepted. ( https://gmail.googleblog.com/2008/03/2-hidden-ways-to-get-more-from-your.html ) It's very worthwhile to have a Red Hat Dev Subscription so you can try newer releases before they get released downstream by CentOS and others, and also to get access to otherwise hidden subscriber content.