[CentOS] 32-bit CentOS

Tue Jul 9 19:31:19 UTC 2019
Stephen John Smoogen <smooge at gmail.com>

On Tue, 9 Jul 2019 at 14:40, Dave Close <dave at compata.com> wrote:

> It appears that CentOS 7 was the last one with a 32-bit version. I'm
> trying to install it on an older laptop and having some trouble. I have
> CentOS-7-i386-Everything-1810.iso and have verified it. Using either dd
> or mediawriter to put a copy on a 16 GB thumb drive seems to work. But
> then the laptop reports, "no boot image found". Note that the first 32 KB
> of the iso is all zeros, meaning that there is no MBR or partition table
> included.
Depending on the age of the laptop, booting from USB sticks over 8 GB may
not be possible. Larger usb images I believe use a different layout format
(GPT?) which also may not work with older hardware. I would try a smaller
one first and see if that works.

> According to the 0_README.txt on the CentOS mirrors, the Everything ISO,
> "contains the complete set of packages for  CentOS Linux 7. It can be
> used for installing or populating a local mirror. This image needs a
> 16GB USB flash drive as it is too large for DVD isos... You can burn
> these images to a DVD or 'dd' them to a USB flash drive. After the boot
> media has been prepared, boot the computer off the boot media."
> Does anyone know what I don't understand about this procedure?
> --
>          Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA       +1 714 434 7359
>        dave at compata.com              dhclose at alumni.caltech.edu
>   "Fairness is a concept that was invented so kids and idiots could
>    participate in debates." --Dogbert
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Stephen J Smoogen.