[CentOS] Alternative to laptop

Wed Jul 10 10:02:57 UTC 2019
John Pierce <jhn.pierce at gmail.com>

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 11:55 PM Earl A Ramirez <earlaramirez at gmail.com>

> On Wed, 10 Jul 2019, 01:52 H, <agents at meddatainc.com> wrote:
> > I am considering buying a small, and therefore easily portable, computer
> > as an alternative to the laptop I already have. Obviously it would not
> have
> > battery, a screen, nor a keyboard etc. but more or less be an easily
> > portable computing unit to move between offices where a keyboard and
> > monitor(s) could then be connected. I want to run CentOS 7, later CentOS
> 8.
> >....
> At the top of my head I think the Intel NUC meets your expectations.

a NUC is a compact low power desktop.but it still needs a screen and a
keyboard/mouse, etc.

I use a 8" highres tablet running android for my ultra-portable
applications ...  Its been awhile since I"ve needed more in hte field.

My current Huawei M3 tablet runs SkySafari Pro nicely with the maximum
database and doesn't crash if a few more apps are active.  high res 8"
screen suits me perfectly for my star charts


-john r pierce
  recycling used bits in santa cruz