[CentOS] Mate on Centos 7

James Pearson

james-p at moving-picture.com
Mon Jul 15 12:37:56 UTC 2019

H wrote:
> I have been running Mate on Centos 7 for some time but it does not
> work very well on my HiDPI laptop screen. Today I found that I am
> running version 1.16 of Mate whereas the current version is 1.22.
> Undoubtedly many of the issues have been fixed since 1.16 was
> released in 2016...

It depends what you mean by 'does not work very well' ...

Without knowing what the problem is, it would be hard to say if a newer 
version may fix whatever the issue is

> However, EPEL only provides 1.16 - a release from 2016 - and nothing
> later.

As said elsewhere in this thread, there isn't currently an EPEL 
maintainer for Mate, so you will have to look elsewhere

I did come across 
https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/raveit65/Mate-GTK3/ a short 
while ago when I was looking for a possible 'update path' - but never 
got round to trying it out ...

I guess that if unless 'someone' takes on the maintainer role for 
   Mate at EPEL, then there will be no upgrade path

James Pearson

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