[CentOS] nvidia on 7.6

Wed Mar 6 22:50:09 UTC 2019
Phil Perry <pperry at elrepo.org>

On 06/03/2019 21:53, Pete Geenhuizen wrote:
> On 03/06/2019 04:21 PM, Phil Perry wrote:
>> On 06/03/2019 19:30, Pete Geenhuizen wrote:
>>> That is all good and well, but my problem is that I now can't install
>>> vlc smplayer mplayer, or  ffmpeg-libs because they need 
>>> ocl-icd-2.2.12-1.el7.x86_64from epel.
>>> I tried to roll back to the previous version via yum history undo but 
>>> previous versions are no longer avaialble.
>> Do they have a hard coded Requires for the ocl-icd package or just an 
>> auto-generated Requires for the libOpenCL.so lib?
>> If it's the former then the packages in epel need fixing. If it's the 
>> latter then the nvidia package will meet that requirement. You can 
>> either force uninstall ocl-icd, or uninstall ocl-icd and any 
>> dependencies, install/update the nvidia packages and then reinstall 
>> the package you require that depend on libOpenCL.so
> Phil,
> I don't know if it's a hard coded requires ot auto-generated.
> Right now I've removed the rpms that need ocl-icd, updated nvidia but 
> when I attempt to install vlc smplayer mplayer, or  ffmpeg-libs it fails 
> because it wants to install ocl-icd-2.2.12-1.el7.x86_64 from epel.
> I guess that that means that its a hard coded requirement, is that correct?
> Pete

I guess so. Running 'rpm -q --requires <package>' would tell you.

I only have vlc and ffmpeg-libs installed, and both are installed from 
the Nux repo. Neither are built against libOpenCL.so so I'm not able to 
comment on what epel have done with their packages.