On Mon, 2019-05-13 at 08:28 -0400, Bee.Lists wrote: > Hi folks. Just wondering how I can implement an automatic .bash_profile for root. I have to load my > user .bash_profile every time I get into root, and I would like a better solution. There is no /home/ > for root, so I’m a bit confused if this is even allowed. > > Any insight appreciated. > > > Cheers, Bee > For a "normal" installation root's home directory is /root >From a users account the "-" will source /root/.bash_profile and change to root's home directory. ja at naxos ~ 1$ su - Password: [root at naxos:~]$ pwd /root [root at naxos:~]$ For the occasions when it is desirable NOT to cd /root I have an alias in /root/.bashrc alias sbp='source ~/.bash_profile' ja at naxos ~ 2$ pwd /home/ja ja at naxos ~ 3$ su Password: root at naxos ja 1001$ pwd /home/ja root at naxos ja 1002$ sbp [root at naxos:/home/ja]$ pwd /home/ja /root/.bash_profile changes the colour of the prompt (among other things) PS1="\[\033[1;31m\][\u@\h:\w]$\[\033[0m\] " There must be much better ways of doing this!