[CentOS] where to find wifi driver

Tue May 14 21:16:14 UTC 2019
Phil Perry <pperry at elrepo.org>

On 14/05/2019 17:20, Jonathan Billings wrote:
> On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 05:16:59PM +0100, Phil Perry wrote:
>> I'm generally not willing to package these Realtek sources for Enterprise
>> Linux as the code is often heavily dependant upon kernel versioning with
>> lots of conditionals. This approach simply does not work on RHEL (or
>> CentOS), where for example el7 uses a nominal 3.10.0 kernel but has a wifi
>> stack that is backported from linux-4.14. For these Realtek drivers to be
>> properly supported on RHEL (and CentOS), Realtek need to perform RHEL
>> versioning checks (RHEL_MAJOR and RHEL_MINOR) in addition to their kernel
>> versioning checks.
>> My advice - if Realtek isn't prepared to support the device on RHEL (or
>> CentOS), purchase an adapter that is natively supported.
> Yeah, sorry, I wasn't volunteering you to support this, but rather
> suggesting to the original poster that they might have better luck
> building it against an elrepo kernel than a CentOS kernel.

No problem, and you are absolutely spot on that these drivers will be 
far easier to build against a vanilla kernel than a heavily backported 
RHEL/CentOS distro kernel.

Still, if it were me, for the sake of $20 I'd rather go buy something 
that's natively supported out of the box than spend the next 5-10 years 
constantly wrestling with unsupported code.

> I appreciate all the time and effort ELrepo puts into providing
> packages.