[CentOS] where to find wifi driver

Tue May 14 12:09:48 UTC 2019
Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 10:13:35AM +0800, qw wrote:
> I use the wifi adaptor, Edimax AC1200, and its driver can be
> downloaded from
> 'http://www.edimax.com.tw/edimax/download/download/data/edimax/tw/download/for_home/wireless_adapters/wireless_adapters_ac1200_dual-band/ew-7822ulc'. 
> I fail to compile its GPL Source Code on CentOS 7.4.
> Where to get its rpm drivers, or how to compile its GPL Source Code?

Looks like you've found the only official source code.

It looks like someone else has (unofficial) code here:


It isn't a driver supported by the CentOS kernel, nor any 3rd-party
repositories that I know of.  You'll either have to get it to work
yourself or use a newer kernel (which isn't something supported on
CentOS, but provided by 3rd party repos such as elrepo.org.)

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>