[CentOS] Missing packages in centos8 mirrors or do I miss something?

LAHAYE Olivier

olivier.lahaye at cea.fr
Thu Sep 26 09:23:42 UTC 2019


I need to port OSCAR Cluster and SystemImager softwares to centos8, but I miss a lot of package that seems to be built for centos-8.
For example, I cant find docbook-utils and docbook-utls-pdf while I see them here: https://koji.mbox.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=651

I’ve installed epel-release and elrepo-release and centos-release-stream.

Do I miss something or is it a matter of time due to mirro syncs?

I misse btrfs packages, perl-Tk packages, docbook packages and many more that I can find on https://koji.mbox.centos.org/koji/builds

Where am I wrong?

PS: I’m running CentOS-8 in docker (roboxes/centos8 wainting for official centos:8 container). (I think that my issue is not related to the container though as I can’t find packages on mirror repos.

Olivier LAHAYE

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