[CentOS] [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: Missing packages in centos8 mirrors or do I miss something?
LAHAYE Olivier
olivier.lahaye at cea.frThu Sep 26 16:13:10 UTC 2019
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For those who come across this thread, I've found the exact list of changed and dropped package between rhel:7 and rhel:8: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html-single/considerations_in_adopting_rhel_8/index#package-replacements_changes-to-packages Too bad that the "note" column is empty in the dropped package table. NO word about reason or possible alternatives. Also too bad that those drops were not advertised before release so developers could think about migrating there code. That would have helped me a lot if I had knew that docbook-utils-pdf would be dropped....I would have searched for an alternative long ago. Olivier. Le 26/09/2019 16:02, « CentOS au nom de LAHAYE Olivier » <centos-bounces at centos.org au nom de olivier.lahaye at cea.fr> a écrit : [...] -Is there a place where I could read about all dropped packages? I've searched in redhat changelog and centos and all I could find is a few packages dropped like NIS related or so. [...]
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