[CentOS] CentOS 8 NIS

Mon Apr 13 02:50:12 UTC 2020
Mark LaPierre <marklapier at gmail.com>

On 2020-04-12 21:49, John Pierce wrote:
>> It appears that they just pasted a new name on an old horse.  It's still
>> LDAP.
> yes, its the standardized LDAP protocol...
> it is, however, a completely different implementation, so no, its not
> OpenLDAP, which is a specific implementation.

Oh insert Deity here!  This is going to take a semester of Computer 
Science to figure out.

dscreate create-template creates a 9K file full of mostly obscure and 
unintelligible options.

This where the hand holding I told you about comes into play.

This is what I've got so far:

config_version = 2
defaults = 999999999

The next option is full_machine_name which defaults to localhost.localdomain

I need to give this machine a name other than localhost.localdomain.  I 
guess that's my next bit of search engine exercise to learn how to do 
that without making a giant mess.  I remember trying to do this with the 
last attempt at LDAP a year ago.  It wasn't pretty and didn't turn out well.

I guess that's my next step for tomorrow.  I've got to go to bed if I'm 
going to be able to stay awake long enough to write any code at work 

    ^ ^  Mark LaPierre
Registered Linux user No #267004