[CentOS] Where can CentOS7 yum-cron logs be found?

Tue Aug 18 05:00:03 UTC 2020
Nicolas Kovacs <info at microlinux.fr>

Le 18/08/2020 à 03:00, Gunnar Niels a écrit :
> I'm asking where the results of the yum-cron job are actually written to so
> I can see what it did.

Well, that's your answer. Here's the content of an email sent by Yum-Cron. So
you everything that happened under the hood:

The following updates will be applied on nestor.microlinux.lan:
 Package               Arch        Version                  Repository    Size
 curl                  x86_64      7.29.0-57.el7_8.1        updates      271 k
 libcurl               x86_64      7.29.0-57.el7_8.1        updates      223 k
 libsss_idmap          x86_64      1.16.4-37.el7_8.4        updates      155 k
 libsss_nss_idmap      x86_64      1.16.4-37.el7_8.4        updates      162 k
 sos                   noarch      3.8-9.el7.centos         updates      517 k
 sssd-client           x86_64      1.16.4-37.el7_8.4        updates      211 k
 systemd               x86_64      219-73.el7_8.9           updates      5.1 M
 systemd-libs          x86_64      219-73.el7_8.9           updates      416 k
 systemd-python        x86_64      219-73.el7_8.9           updates      143 k
 systemd-sysv          x86_64      219-73.el7_8.9           updates       94 k

Transaction Summary
Upgrade  10 Packages
The updates were successfully applied



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