It looks like you've backuped an entire disk that might contain partitions. So first check if you have partitions inside: sudo fdisk -lu save.dd If you have partitions inside, use the start offset of the partition to create a loopback device (e.g. a partition starts at 56): sudo losetup -o $((56*512)) /dev/loop0 save.dd Now you should be able to use the partition. First check and than mount it: sudo fsck -fv /dev/loop0 sudo mount /dev/loop0 /mnt xxx Hallo, no partions are shown with dd. Found an article that some DVR vendors are using their own filesystems. I think that I ve no chane in this case to rescue anything. Thanks for all hints. Ralf Ralf Prengel Teamleiter Customer Care Comline AG Hauert 8 D-44227 Dortmund/Germany Telefon:+49 231 97575 157 Mobil:+49 151 10831 157 Fax:+49 231 97575 257 E-Mail:ralf.prengel at Vorstand: Stephan Schilling Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: N.N. HR Dortmund B 14570 USt.-ID-Nr. DE124727422