[CentOS] 8.2.2004 Latest yum update renders machine unbootable

Lamar Owen

lowen at pari.edu
Sat Aug 1 15:10:50 UTC 2020

On 8/1/20 5:54 AM, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
> You said that in the centos infrastructure only one server got the problem.
> What are the conditions that permit the breakage? There is a particular
> configuration (hw/sw) case that match always the problem or it is random?
I experienced the issue on a Dell Precision M6700 (UEFI, Core i7-3740QM) 
on the first attempt at update; I recovered by rolling back and 
reinstalling grub2-*; I then updated on the command line with dnf update 
and now that same hardware that crashed out the first time is working 
fine with the same package versions.  It seems to be intermittent, and I 
can't reproduce it.

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