[CentOS] Fixing grub/shim issue Centos 7

Fri Aug 7 08:47:47 UTC 2020
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 8/7/20 2:40 AM, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
> Il 07/08/20 08:22, Johnny Hughes ha scritto:
>>> "How on earth could this have passed Q & A ?"
> Hi Johnny,
> Niki's question is spread, legit, in the thoughts in many and many users
> so don't see this as an attack. Many and many users,though really "if
> this was tested before release" and I think that many of us are
> incredulous at what happened on CentOS and in the upstream (specially in
> the upstream) but as you said CentOS inherits RHEL bugs. I'm reading
> about many users that lost their trust in RH with the last 2 problem
> (microcode and shim). This is bad for CentOS.
>> Well, I mean that would be a valid point if it happened for every
>> install.  The issue did not happen on every install.  There is no way to
>> test every single hardware and firmware combination for every single
>> computer ever built :)
>> It would be great if things like this did not happen, but with the
>> universe of possible combinations, i am surprised it does not happen
>> more often.
> Probably many users have not updated their machines between the bug
> release and the resolution (thanks to your fast apply in the weekend,
> thank you) and many update their centos machines on a 2 months base (if
> not worst). I think also that many users of CentOS user base have not
> proclamed their disappointement/the issue on this list or in other
> channels. For example I simply updated in the wrong time.
>> We do run boot tests of every single kernel for CentOS.  The RHEL team
>> runs many more tests for RHEL.  But every possible combination from
>> every vendor can't possibly be tested. Right?
> you are right but is not UEFI a standard and it shouldn't work the same
> on several vendors? I ask this because this patch broken all my uefi
> workstations.

It would be nice if it did .. however, this worked on many
UEFI/Secureboot machines.  It did not work on a small subset of machines.

> While CentOS team could not have so much resources to run this type of
> tests would be great to know what happened to RHEL QA (being RH giant)
> for this release and given the partenership between CentOS and RH if you
> know something more on this.....

I have not seen the full post event account if what actually happened.
I do know that many Red Hatters worked many hours over the last weekend
to fix it.  I am sure a public post will be made (if not already there)
.. if someone knows where it is, post a link.

If I don't see it posted soon, I'll look for it and post here.

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