[CentOS] ansible dnf with stream

Fri Dec 25 11:34:04 UTC 2020
Anand Buddhdev <anandb at ripe.net>

On 25/12/2020 11:30, Łukasz Posadowski wrote:

Hi Lukasz,

> The task in question is:
>   - name: Install basic packages on RedHat-like systems.
>     dnf:
>       name:
>       - bash-completion
>       - htop
>       - mc
>       - vim
>       - mtr
>       - tree
>       - net-tools 
>       state: latest
>       enablerepo: epel-modular, epel
>     when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'

I haven't tested, but my instinct points at the "enablerepo" line.
You've written "epel-modular, epel" with a space. YAML preserves the
space, and passes it to dnf, and perhaps it's causing a problem. Can you
try it without the space?
