[CentOS] [CentOS-devel] https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/future-is-centos-stream/

centos at niob.at

centos at niob.at
Wed Dec 9 09:26:58 UTC 2020

On 09/12/2020 07:16, Kingsly John wrote:
> A non-paying CentOS user is not a real loss for RHEL. But people dumping
> CentOS for a non-RHEL clone is definitely going to impact their future
> revenues as they are losing mindshare/goodwill/easy migration etc.

And worse: Without CentOS being used widely (junior) admins will have 
even less experience dealing with RHEL. This will result in lower 
quality deployments of RHEL, reducing overall security of those systems 
and it will reduce RHEL adoption, hitting RH/IBM where it hurts them most.

I am seeing this in practice already with juniors - they all use Ubuntu 
on their personal systems and they hate having to deal with RHEL. And 
their opinions matter in the long run.


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