[CentOS] [CentOS-devel] https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/future-is-centos-stream/

Andrea Biscuola

andrea.biscuola at host.it
Wed Dec 9 10:26:50 UTC 2020

On Wed, 9 Dec 2020 10:50:58 +0100
Nicolas Kovacs <info at microlinux.fr> wrote:

> Le 09/12/2020 à 10:46, Andrea Biscuola a écrit :
> > CentOS was _always_ a best effort project done on a volunteer basis, if it
> > was stable enough to build a company on top of it, good! But always remember
> > that, in the end, you are getting what you paid for.  
> Red Hat is a company built on top of a series of best effort projects done on a
> volunteer basis.


And Red Hat takes the effort on itself to mantain what it's published on RHEL for you
to use, indirectly, through CentOS; including fixing bugs, reporting things upstream
and being (directly or indirectly) involved in projects they package in the various RHEL

How many of us, complaining here about a supposed "breach of trust", are involved
in making CentOS better and not just taking what others do and make money on top
of it? I never participated in anything CentOS related, I happily use it but you should
know what you are buying when you choose to use a (once) volunteer-based project.

> :o)


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