[CentOS] Blog article: CentOS is NOT dead

Walter H.

Walter.H at mathemainzel.info
Mon Dec 14 12:42:42 UTC 2020

On 14.12.2020 13:07, Nicolas Kovacs wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's an interesting read which makes a point for CentOS Stream:
> https://freedomben.medium.com/centos-is-not-dead-please-stop-saying-it-is-at-least-until-you-read-this-4b26b5c44877
> tl;dr: Communication about Stream was BAD, but Stream itself might be a good
> thing. Here's why.
'might' doesn't mean 'is', there the "terminus techicus" 'dead' is korrekt

"CentOS Stream intends to be as stable as RHEL"

and where is the 10 year update support?

the last update of CentOS Stream will be in the year 2024

and do you really think it is worth the work to migrate to CentOS Stream,
when knowing to have this work again in less than 4 years?


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