[CentOS] From network-scripts to NetworkManager on a router : questions

Tue Feb 18 17:32:32 UTC 2020
J Martin Rushton <martinrushton56 at btinternet.com>

On 18/02/2020 16:56, Nicolas Kovacs wrote:
> Le 18/02/2020 à 17:43, Jonathan Billings a écrit :
>> According to 'man nm-settings-ifcfg-rh', PEERDNS=no is the old
>> network-services services mechanism for not changing /etc/resolv.conf,
>> while in NM it just means never add automatic nameservers to
>> resolv.conf from DHCP, PPP, VPN, etc.  Turning off all DNS
>> updates means adding:
>> [main]
>> dns=none
>> ... to the NetworkManager.conf (or preferably in an
>> /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/  file) is probably going to be the most
>> effective way.  I've seen PEERDNS=no make NetworkManager not overwrite
>> my resolv.conf but maybe I should be extra careful and drop in a
>> config file that turns off all dns updating features of
>> NetworkManager.
> See my previous mail on that subject.
> tl;dr : as long as you don't provide any DNS information for any of the 
> interfaces, /etc/resolv.conf does *not* get overwritten.
I had a fight with getting resolv.conf sorted out across several VMs. 
There are a few notes in the enclosed file.
J Martin Rushton MBCS