[CentOS] gdm postsession scripts

Fri Mar 20 18:55:32 UTC 2020
Leon Fauster <leonfauster at googlemail.com>

Am 20.03.20 um 18:24 schrieb James Pearson:
> Leon Fauster via CentOS wrote:
>> Its seems that only the "Default" script in /etc/gdm/PostSession gets
>> processed. Is this the intended behaviour? This makes packaging harder.
>> Or can drop-in scripts/files be enabled?
> Correct - although if a file that matches the DISPLAY name exists (e.g. 
> ':0'), that file is used instead - see:
> https://help.gnome.org/admin/gdm/stable/configuration.html.en#scripting
> I replace the Default file with something that just sources 'drop-in 
> files' in a matching directory - which could be a sub-directory of 
> /etc/gdm/PostSession/ etc

Ah okay, the DISPLAY value would be a way to avoid the touch of
"Default", but still a single file to handle. A custom way of sourcing
a sub directory seems a better choice. I just wondered that everything 
nowadays provides a drop-in mechanism but not here ...
