On Fri, 27 Mar, 2020 at 08:55:42 -0400, Jerry Geis wrote: > HI All, > > I have two installs of CentOS 8. One is a VM and uses what sees as the OLD > X as I get /var/log/X* files ... the other is on a real machine and seems > to be using Xwayland and I have no /var/log/X* files. > > Couple things: > 1) The VM is using qxl driver it seems. I do not see Xwayland running. > 2) Xwayland is running on the physical box - and where are log files for it. > > Surprised its running two different ways. > > Thanks, > > Jerry Wayland is disabled when the qxl driver is in use: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html-single/using_the_desktop_environment_in_rhel_8/index#gnome-environments_starting-using-gnome