A few years ago, one of our interns was curious about system time keeping features in computer systems. This intern was also the proud owner of an inexpensive Radio-Controlled Clock. The intern wondered why computer motherboards were not just equipped with a chip like the ones in the RCC so that their system time would always be correct. I posted a question about this on the CentOS email list and received more responses than those postings about problems with the new Firefox release. I must have really struck a very sensitive system time nerve. This large response was a bit of a surprise and included a bunch of time related horror stories. It became clear why using an RCC chip on motherboards would NOT be a good idea. GPS network time servers seemed to be a preferred choice. All of our bedrooms have Radio-Controlled Clocks. At 5:30 this morning, half of the clocks displayed the correct time. The other half of the clocks were incorrectly showing a time one hour ahead. Maybe this is one more piece of evidence to reject using an RCC time base for computers, at lease in thestate of Arizona.