[CentOS] Problem installing bind-dyndb-ldap

Tue Mar 31 08:41:28 UTC 2020
Michal Zacek <zacekm at img.cas.cz>


is there a way, how to avoid this stupid "module" problem? Google didn't 
help, except it is quite common at Centos 8.1.

[root at centos8 ~]# dnf install bind-dyndb-ldap


Running transaction check
No available modular metadata for modular package 
'bind-dyndb-ldap-11.1-14.module_el8.1.0+253+3b90c921.x86_64', it cannot 
be installed on the system

[root at centos8 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core)
