[CentOS] Intel RST RAID 1, partition tables and UUIDs

Wed Nov 18 08:51:34 UTC 2020
hw <hw at gc-24.de>

On Tue, 2020-11-17 at 08:01 -0600, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
> > On Nov 17, 2020, at 1:07 AM, hw <hw at gc-24.de> wrote:
> [...]
> > If you don't require Centos, you could go for Fedora instead.  Fedora has btrfs
> > as default file system now which has software raid built-in, and Fedora can have
> > advantages over Centos.
> > 
> There are advantages in a bleeding edge one can find useful. There is some bleeding too, plausible, so don’t be surprised.

There is bleeding with Centos 7, too, and Centos 8 is probably no different.
One can always be surprised.

I'm not so much referring to bleeding but advantages like packages being available
in Fedora that aren't available in Centos.  And not being able to upgrade a
distribution when a new release comes out is a killer for Centos since there are
things in Centos 8 that make me wonder why I shouldn't go for Fedora right away. At
least I have the goodies when I do that.

But then, there are now things in Fedora that make we wonder if I should switch to
arch.  Like how retarded is it to forcefully enable swapping to RAM by default.
Either you have plenty RAM and swapping has no disadvantages, or you don't and
swapping to RAM makes it only worse.  I can see that it might have an advantages
for when you don't create a swap partition, but that's already a bad idea in the
first place unless you have special requirements that are far from any default.
I don't even dare wondering if it can get any more stupid, because unfortunately,
there is no limit to stupidity and the only thing helps against it is more stupidity.

And systemd ursurping the functionality of crond?  The last thing we need is
systemd to become even more cryptic by that --- and how can I check if I am getting
an email when a failed disk is detected, or when errors are being detected by
raid-check?  I can do that with crond, but not with systemd.