Normally I run Centos 7, but I accidently booted a German Knoppix OS. I'm back to Centos 7, but now my LXterms all have hennebry at Microknoppix on top. WTF? How did that happen? How do I fix it? How do I make it not happen again? What other trouble should I be looking for? I opened a couple LXterms, looked at man pages and ran xrandr as root a few times. Also I ran shutdown a couple times. That's it. I'm rather annoyed at the result. I'm pretty sure Knoppix had to change something it should not even have known about. -- Michael hennebry at "Sorry but your password must contain an uppercase letter, a number, a haiku, a gang sign, a heiroglyph, and the blood of a virgin." -- someeecards