[CentOS] A Request to Add module to CentOS Linux (3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64) 7 (Core)

Fri Sep 11 06:27:14 UTC 2020
John Pierce <jhn.pierce at gmail.com>

On Thu, Sep 10, 2020, 11:08 PM Dedoep <stompnoe at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Is it possible to add the mac802154_hwsim module to CentOS Linux
> (3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64) 7 (Core), so that its part of the OS?

If that module is not part of red hat Enterprise 7 then it will never be
part of CentOS.


I googled the module name, it appears to be something new from kernel 5.x
?   Backporting that to 3.10 is likely a massive job.
