Does it behave any differently when adding a & at the end of the command when running it manually, or running in a screen session? Chris On 4/13/2021 11:45 AM, Frank Cox wrote: > Here's a weird one. > > I have two Centos 8 machines that use rsync-over-ssh to back up files between each other. (Each machine acts as a backup machine for the other one.) > > There's are nightly cronjobs that do the backing up, the commands look like this: > > rsync -av --delete /home/mydirectory jeff:/home/mydirectorybackup > > That command works fine when it's run through the cronjob. > > When I try to run a rsync command between mutt and jeff from the commandline, that's where the problem starts. It worked a few days ago but now when I log into jeff and do a rsync to or from mutt it works fine. When I log into mutt and do a rsync to or from jeff it works and does the job, but then it seems to stall afterward and I have to hit ctrl-c to get my cursor back. > > Here's a test run so you can see what happens. > > [me at mutt temp]$ rsync -avv ../temp/ jeff:temp > opening connection using: ssh jeff rsync --server -vvlogDtpre.iLsfxC . temp (7 args) > sending incremental file list > delta-transmission enabled > bookmarks.html is uptodate > ./ > abc > total: matches=0 hash_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=26321 > ^Crsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(644) [sender=3.1.3] > > A file named bookmarks.html existed in both directories so it wasn't changed, and a new file abc was copied to the backup directory. Then my ctrl-c stopped the job and brought the cursor back after it stalled. > > scp works fine to copy files either way when logged into either machine and, again, my backup-this-to-that cronjobs that run rsync seem to be working fine as well. I just discovered this last night when I went to rsync some files manually between these machines. The last time I did that was at least a few days ago and it worked fine then. > -- Christopher Wensink IS Administrator Five Star Plastics, Inc 1339 Continental Drive Eau Claire, WI 54701 Office: 715-831-1682 Mobile: 715-563-3112 Fax: 715-831-6075 cwensink at