[CentOS] How to install XFCE on CentOS 8?

J Martin Rushton

martinrushton56 at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 25 15:07:34 UTC 2021

On 25/02/2021 14:49, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Feb 2021 at 09:13, J Martin Rushton via CentOS 
> <centos at centos.org <mailto:centos at centos.org>> wrote:
>     On 25/02/2021 13:37, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
>     I was recently looking at Raymond's book "The Art of UNIX Programming"
>     from 2003.  He, along with contributors Thompson (inventor of UNIX),
>     Kernigham (C and AWK), Korn and others of that callibre, espouse
>     creating "little tools" that do one job reliably and well.  The
>     likes of
>     Gnome or systemd certainly would never fit into this philosophy.  I
>     really think we have lost a lot of maintainability and ease of
>     management over the last 20 years as applications are stretched to do
>     ever more.
> Maybe but everytime someone says "I think these are too complex" they 
> then turn around and say "but I really need this to do this one more 
> thing." Also the complexity of tools is generational. The oldschool 
> 1970's Unix people were screaming that the 1980's software was too 
> complex because various flags had been added to central commands. The 
> 1980's people complained that even early Linux was too complex because 
> it had so much more software that depended on each other. And so forth.
> In the X11 world, there were as many people saying FVWM was way too 
> complex when twm was all you needed and it was making software too hard 
> to build. BUT could you get twm to work on our new monitor which has a 
> different view screen feature that made the fonts look like crap.
> The counter argument I heard from a 1970's Unix era person was "Software 
> gets more complicated over time as we find that more problems need to be 
> solved. You either keep up with it, or get out of software." He was 
> working in software until his death a short while ago in his 80's.
>     -- 
>     J Martin Rushton MBCS
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> -- 
> Stephen J Smoogen.
The irony being that moving to UNIX I had it drummed into me that the 
one tool-one job ethos was a great advance upon the rigidly defined and 
integrated monolith of VMS.  Oh, and that was in the 1990s.
J Martin Rushton MBCS

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