[CentOS] Centos versions in the future?

Wed Jul 7 17:17:38 UTC 2021
Valeri Galtsev <galtsev at kicp.uchicago.edu>

On 7/7/21 12:08 PM, Leon Fauster via CentOS wrote:
> On 07.07.21 18:04, Jon Pruente wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 7:41 AM Leon Fauster via CentOS 
>> <centos at centos.org <mailto:centos at centos.org>> wrote:
>>     Here is another one:
>>     https://navylinux.org/ <https://navylinux.org/>
>> Navy Linux has a bad taste already, for me. They are aiming too big, 
>> even trying to replicate EPEL for themselves. And their attitude isn't 
>> good. They had a tweet disparaging "new unstable vendors" of EL 
>> distros that they only deleted after being called out for it, despite 
>> being one of those themselves.
>> Deleted tweet link:
>> https://twitter.com/NavyLinux/status/1408429562472677381 
>> <https://twitter.com/NavyLinux/status/1408429562472677381>
>> They used to say they were founded by "Unixlab". Which Unixlab? We 
>> don't know. Now they say they are a non-profit Foundation that founded 
>> the project.
>> https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kZLBFcdLyrYJ:https://navylinux.org/about/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us 
>> <https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kZLBFcdLyrYJ:https://navylinux.org/about/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us> 
> +1
> The Division of Corporations in DELAWARE shows:
> Formation Date: 6/14/2021 (mm/dd/yyyy)
> Anyway, in the context of ongoing attacks to the supply chain.
> This situation where CentOS is running EOL will motivate new
> black hats to step into the place. Imagine a massive deployed
> OS that is trojanized?!
> So trust is here king and despite all adversity (that also hits me
> hard) we should thinks twice before running away into foreign arms.


And I feel safe running (and planning to run for long future to come) 
quite reputable ones with long history of such: FreeBSD (servers), 
Debian (number crunchers, workstations).


> -- 
> Leon
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Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247