[CentOS] Samba config question

Tue Mar 16 11:28:33 UTC 2021
Anthony K <akcentos at anroet.com>

On 16/3/21 6:07 pm, Rob Kampen wrote:
> On 16/03/21 4:24 pm, Robert G. (Doc) Savage via CentOS wrote:
>> After setting up /etc/samba/smb.conf and running "testparm" in CentOS
>> 7.9.2011, I have noticed that the list of parameters echoed back for
>> the [global] section do not match those in the smb.conf file. Is this
>> normal?
>> [snip]...[/snip]
>> Is this normal behavior for Samba? I am particularly concerned about
>> workgroup = WORKGROUP missing in the "testparm" output.
> Is it that testparm just outputs the non default values?

A quick glance at man smb.conf suggests that's exactly what's going on...