On 11/17/21 12:15, Gary Stainburn wrote: > Hi all, > > This is crazy but I can't see the answer. In my system crontab I've > added a job to stop the music system at 10:59 on the 11th November, > and restart it at 11:02 on the 11th November > > # m h dom mon dow user command > 59 10 * 11 * root /bin/squeezy -all -off > >>/var/log/newplaylist 2>&1 > 02 11 * 11 * root /root/bin/newplaylist > >/var/log/newplaylist 2>&1 > > However, it's doing this every day. Can anyone see what's wrong? > Instead of crontabs, maybe check systemd timers. https://fedoramagazine.org/systemd-timers-for-scheduling-tasks/ (CentOS - at least upto 7 - doesnt support user units, admin-managed system units are in /etc/systemd/system). I personally prefer systemd timers over crontabs. - Thomas