Since my Mate desktop is currently lost at sea (see the "Mate desktop crashes at startup after update to Centos 8.5.2111" thread that I started earlier today) I'm using Gnome at the moment and have a question. Old versions of Gnome and the current Mate allow you to right-click on a file, select Properties and add a note to a file. After that a little "note" icon attaches itself to the file and you can go back to Properties and read your note. "File downloaded from x" or "Talked to Joe about this on Monday" or "This version doesn't work" or whatever you like. I don't know if there's a particular limit to how long a note can be but I have several multi-line notes and haven't run into a limit yet. This functionality is extremely handy and I use it extensively. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be present in modern Gnome. Is there a way to get it back? -- MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Real D 3D Digital Cinema ~