[CentOS] Where can I find more information on the recent update to the 4.18.0-373 kernel

Thu Apr 21 18:03:41 UTC 2022
Kay Schenk <kay.schenk at gmail.com>

Thanks Johnny.

And to Joshua -- my hardware is NOT REAL recent. This said, I WAS HAVING 
a lot of thermal issues in the past few months. After tweaking  things 
in my BIOS, updating my BIOS and uninstalling a fair amount of services 
I wasn't using that were doing nothing but using up cycles, etc., I 
think I'm good now.

On 4/21/22 09:29, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On 4/20/22 16:16, Kay Schenk wrote:
>> Hi Joshua, and list...
>> I got the non-workng sound driver for Intel HDA fixed with my kernel 
>> 4.18.0-373.
>> After removing the extra kernel flag i915_alpha from my command line
>> (see instructions when this module really was alpha --
>> https://access.redhat.com/discussions/3410491#understanding-kernel-command-line-parameters_configuring-kernel-command-line-parameters), 
>> I used the instructions given by
>> Syaifur Rizal <https://ask.fedoraproject.org/u/oprizal>
>> in this post...
>> https://ask.fedoraproject.org/t/audio-devices-not-listed/19344
>> I had a feeling I needed a modprobe.d entry but I didn't know what 
>> the syntax would be.
>> In any case, posting more info in case anyone needs it.
>> On 4/20/22 10:54, Kay Schenk wrote:
>>> Thank you Joshua. If I can't get this resolved by the end of this 
>>> week, I'll use your suggestion.
>>> On 4/19/22 15:32, Joshua Kramer wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure how much freedom you have with your setup, but you could
>>>> always try to use the elrepo-ml or elrepo-lt kernels.  The 
>>>> elrepo-ml kernel
>>>> follows the published version pretty closely, so for example right 
>>>> now I'm
>>>> running 5.17.3 on my el8 boxes.  The newer kernels solve a lot of 
>>>> hardware
>>>> issues.
>>>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 5:54 PM Kay Schenk<kay.schenk at gmail.com>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello folks --
>>>>> Is there any write up for the most recent update to kernel 4.18.0-373
>>>>> specifically with respect to sound setup or anything really? I had 
>>>>> been
>>>>> using an "alpha" driver for my Intel sound that was appended to my 
>>>>> boot
>>>>> line up until this latest. This not only did not work but caused
>>>>> continual hangs. Edited the 4.18.0-373 kernel line and things got
>>>>> somewhat better...but....this version is loading A LOT of modules 
>>>>> and do
>>>>> I really need them, etc.
>>>>> I am going through a lot of grief with this recent upgrade.
>>>>> Thanks for any help...
>>>>> -- Kay
> I am getting ready to push a -383 kernel in a few minutes (if you 
> still need an update)
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