[CentOS] Where can I find more information on the recent update to the 4.18.0-373 kernel

Fri Apr 29 05:23:47 UTC 2022
Joakim Dellrud <joakim at dellrud.se>

Hi, not to mention the war again but you do have a alternative (stream) 
and the fabled kernel-ml which has been working fine in production 
servers according to my experiences (fleet of over 400 servers virtual 
and physical).

And assuming you are talking about CentOS 8.x there are several 
alternative distros out there to choose from if you do need a point 
release rather then rolling forward (as stream is-ish).

I might have missed something during the threads lifespan but what are 
the reasons for not using the kernel-ml packages?


On 2022-04-27 19:17, Kay Schenk wrote:
> inline...
> On 4/21/22 09:29, Johnny Hughes wrote:
>> On 4/20/22 16:16, Kay Schenk wrote:
>>> Hi Joshua, and list...
>>> I got the non-workng sound driver for Intel HDA fixed with my kernel
>>> 4.18.0-373.
>>> After removing the extra kernel flag i915_alpha from my command line
>>> (see instructions when this module really was alpha --
>>> https://access.redhat.com/discussions/3410491#understanding-kernel-command-line-parameters_configuring-kernel-command-line-parameters),
>>> I used the instructions given by
>>> Syaifur Rizal <https://ask.fedoraproject.org/u/oprizal>
>>> in this post...
>>> https://ask.fedoraproject.org/t/audio-devices-not-listed/19344
>>> I had a feeling I needed a modprobe.d entry but I didn't know what
>>> the syntax would be.
>>> In any case, posting more info in case anyone needs it.
>>> On 4/20/22 10:54, Kay Schenk wrote:
>>>> Thank you Joshua. If I can't get this resolved by the end of this
>>>> week, I'll use your suggestion.
>>>> On 4/19/22 15:32, Joshua Kramer wrote:
>>>>> I'm not sure how much freedom you have with your setup, but you could
>>>>> always try to use the elrepo-ml or elrepo-lt kernels.  The
>>>>> elrepo-ml kernel
>>>>> follows the published version pretty closely, so for example right
>>>>> now I'm
>>>>> running 5.17.3 on my el8 boxes.  The newer kernels solve a lot of
>>>>> hardware
>>>>> issues.
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 5:54 PM Kay Schenk<kay.schenk at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello folks --
>>>>>> Is there any write up for the most recent update to kernel 4.18.0-373
>>>>>> specifically with respect to sound setup or anything really? I had
>>>>>> been
>>>>>> using an "alpha" driver for my Intel sound that was appended to my
>>>>>> boot
>>>>>> line up until this latest. This not only did not work but caused
>>>>>> continual hangs. Edited the 4.18.0-373 kernel line and things got
>>>>>> somewhat better...but....this version is loading A LOT of modules
>>>>>> and do
>>>>>> I really need them, etc.
>>>>>> I am going through a lot of grief with this recent upgrade.
>>>>>> Thanks for any help...
>>>>>> -- Kay
>> I am getting ready to push a -383 kernel in a few minutes (if you
>> still need an update)
> Right now...kernel 4.18.0-373 is absolutely useless. Boots then goes out
> to lunch. Period.
> Given your reply about a new kernel -- and I see other updates as well.
> Centos 8 was SUPPOSED to be out of service in Dec, 2021. I was not
> paying attention to this. UGH!
> So...what can we expect in terms of ANY updates to the CentOS 8 line at
> this point?
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