[CentOS] C7 pam_oath.so changes group ownership of system file

Sat Jun 4 09:44:47 UTC 2022
Tom Yates <madhatter at teaparty.net>

I'm using pam_oath.so to control sudo access. The following line appears 
in my /etc/pam.d/sudo:

auth       sufficient   pam_oath.so usersfile=/etc/users.oath window=5 digits=8

It works well, and has done since time out of mind.  I've recently 
noticed, however, that having a user authenticate via a HOTP OATH token 
not only causes the /etc/users.oath file to be updated (which makes sense, 
the stored counter needs to be incremented) but also have its 
group-ownership changed to the primary group of the last user who sudoed.

The file has no group read- or writeability, but it still strikes me as 
weird, and if the group modes were not -rwx, it might be a vulnerability. 
Does anyone else use HOTP OATH via PAM, and see this?  Is there a good 
reason for it?

[me at dormouse ~]$ ls -la /etc/users.oath
-rw-------. 1 root root 550 Jun  4 10:31 /etc/users.oath
[me at dormouse ~]$ sudo -l
One-time password (OATH) for `me':
User me may run the following commands on dormouse:
     (ALL) ALL
[me at dormouse ~]$ ls -la /etc/users.oath
-rw-------. 1 root me 550 Jun  4 10:33 /etc/users.oath


       Tom Yates  -  https://www.teaparty.net