[Ci-users] Jenkins trigger/notification issues

Tue Dec 1 07:21:18 UTC 2015
James <purpleidea at gmail.com>

On Tue, 2015-12-01 at 08:08 +0100, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> For IRC notification, centos_ci user is registered on freenode, and
> active in a list of declared irc channels at the jenkins main config.
> Adding more channels is something we do during a maintenance window
> (as it needs a jenkins full reload, unfortunately). So if you give us
> a channel name, we can add it to the list of things to do for next
> jenkins maintenance.
Oh awesome. Please add #ohmyvagrant and #mgmtconfig -- There is no
urgency, but it would be cool to have, thanks!

> For email notification, it works, so let me verify if something has
> been sent, but I'd need to know which email address you declared for
> your jobs

centos-jenkins at shubin.ca

Perhaps I configured it wrong. The job is named:

Thanks again!

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