[Ci-users] Yum errors today in ci.centos.org

Thu Apr 21 12:41:19 UTC 2016
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 21/04/16 14:34, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> On 20/04/16 20:50, Dusty Mabe wrote:
>> We've seen a bunch of yum errors today with our tests. basically a
>> bunch of these types of errors:
>> [Errno -1] repomd.xml does not match metalink for epel
>> Full log at [1]. I'm thinking maybe we should modify our tests to
>> run yum in a loop to account for intermittent errors like this?
>> [1] -
>> https://ci.centos.org/job/atomicapp-test-docker-pr/67/console
> this is actually a problem with fedora infra, EPEL is often broken for
> direct access.
> one option might be to mirror epel into our mirror instance there in
> the ci network. Would that work Fabian / Brian ?

Well, yes and no , but let me explain :
- yes for the internal mirror : as soon as we know from where to
fetch/rsync pkgs, we can do that and maintain that the same way we have
an internal mirror for mirror.centos.org

- no as that would *not* be transparent : by default, when one installs
epel-release, the mirrorlist line in /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo looks
like this :

While we can write a small index.php for an internal mirrorlist node
(that's how we redirect all centos yum operations to the internal
mirror), we can't cheat with a TLS cert.
So we can have an internal mirror, but we'd have to advertize/document
it to the CI users so that they'd have to tweak their epel.repo file in
their CI jobs to intentionally point to our mirror (so basically
replacing the mirrorlist line and have a baseurl one instead) instead of
continuing to go to outside.

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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