Hi there, I heard that the Atomic team would be potentially interested in reusing the cico test for our Vagrant images centos/6 and centos/7, but their images are not built in CBS. I refactored cloudinstance-vagrant-test to accept a single parameter, BUILD_INFO, containing a JSON string (an array of hashes containing build information). This should allow other projects to use it if desired, since it doesn't parse the CBS logs anymore. This part was now moved to cloudinstance-vagrant-build and cloudinstance-vagrant-manual-build, which generate a JSON string like the following pretty-printed equivalent: [ { "major_release": "6", "provider": "virtualbox", "url": "https://cbs.centos.org/kojifiles/work/tasks/4846/114846/centos-6-1-1.x86_64.vagrant-virtualbox.box" }, { "major_release": "6", "provider": "libvirt", "url": "https://cbs.centos.org/kojifiles/work/tasks/4846/114846/centos-6-1-1.x86_64.vagrant-libvirt.box" }, { "major_release": "7", "provider": "libvirt", "url": "https://cbs.centos.org/kojifiles/work/tasks/4848/114848/centos-7-1-1.x86_64.vagrant-libvirt.box" }, { "major_release": "7", "provider": "virtualbox", "url": "https://cbs.centos.org/kojifiles/work/tasks/4848/114848/centos-7-1-1.x86_64.vagrant-virtualbox.box" } ] The scripts are in https://github.com/lpancescu/cloudinstance-vagrant-cico-util. Hope this helps, Laurențiu